Reuters is hosting an interview with David Cameron via Twitter. This morning (Monday), from 10am, the Conservative party leader David Cameron is talking about the economy and the credit crunch at Thomson Reuters’ Canary Wharf office and his speech will be followed by a question and answer session. Users of Twitter can use the tag #askDC to put questions to Cameron, and Reuters will monitor all the responses. The questions are already coming in. The Reuters Newsmaker can be used to track all proceedings.
Category Archives: Handy tools and technology
TheNextWeb: CoverItLive launches search feature
The CoveritLive team has decided to launch a search feature – ‘as they now have enough content to make such a technology relevant.’ But, asks Ernst-Jan Pfauth, how best to use it?
CSM and CMS: Christian Science Monitor readies technology for web-only move
Following its decision to become an online-only outfit from spring next year, the Christian Science Monitor has opted for an open source content management system (CMS) produced by Norway’s eZ Systems.
The eZ Publish CMS will support multimedia content and allow the monitor to publish to multiple platforms if needed, a release from eZ said.
The deal marks the CMS provider’s plans to expand into the US.
Poynter: why all journalists should use Skype
After racking up a longer-than-expected phone bill, Amy Gahran lists the financial pros of using a Skype account.
The Evolving Newsroom: Keeping track of blog conversations
Ever find you comment on a blog and forget to go back and check how the conversation is progressing? The Evolving Newsroom has two suggestions to help keep track of blog debates.
Wired Journalists: How to start a podcast – an introductory guide
Patrick Thornton starts an introductory guide to podcasting in the Wired Journalists tutorials. He starts by recommending Audacity as editing software.
Friday procrastination: the blog gender analyser
It’s Friday, so fancy a bit of distraction now you’ve joined another Ning network, checked your Twitter/Facebook thoroughly and read all of yesterday’s PopBitch and Sam Leith’s witty account of surprise redundancy …? (note: that’s no reference at all to’s own Friday morning activity)
Well… introducing the GenderAnalyzer: a nifty little site that predicts within a second just whether there’s an extra X or Y chromosome influencing that blog. Spookily accurate, according to the very necessary research just conducted.
Without further ado, or procrastination, here’s the link:
TheNextWeb: New software allows conversion of blog posts into printable PDFs
The NextWeb takes a look at Tabbloid, from Hewlett Packard, a free service to convert the latest posts of your favourite blogs into a printable PDF.
Online Information 2008 kicking off now
Clay Shirky, author of ‘Here Comes Everybody’ is the keynote speaker at Online Information 2008, a conference designed to bring together technology and content. Here’s a preview of Shirky from YouTube (part one. Part Two here):
We’ll keep an eye on the Twitter reports which don’t seem to have started yet – probably on this tag when they do.
World Aids Day in multimedia form
World Aids Day, now in its 20th year, seems to be markedly more multimedia this year, although not much video about yet. Anyway, here’s a selection of content:
- You can customise your blog, website or blog posts with this item. Here’s the embed script: <a href=”” title=”Link to the official World AIDS Day website”><img src=”” width=”120″ height=”89″ alt=”Support World AIDS Day” /></a>
- Levis with a Play Safe online game
- Visit H&M and Red Cross sites to find out where to buy ribbons
- Donate online here, on the official World Aids Day site
- It’s too late now but remember for next year that ribbons can be ordered here.
- Multimedia tookit here
- GlobalVoicesOnline takes a look at ‘blogging positively’ here.
- UK Events listings here.
An interactive map of openly HIV positive bloggers, and citizen media relating to World Aids Day, via GlobalVoices:
Starbucks advert here (via
and an advert from the Banyan Tree Project here: