Tag Archives: Forbes.com

Forbes.com: Did mainstream media ignore the AT&T iPad hack story?

The Forbes.com Firewall blog looks at the media treatment of a big tech story from this week, the breach of iPad buyer information.

The source of the AT&T story claims he approached mainstream media titles before he gave the exclusive to Gawker…

Asked if Gawker paid for the scoop, Weev said the publication did not provide remuneration. “we did a benefit analysis and decided they could take our story viral the fastest,” he writes in an email.

Full post at this link…

AP Polanski memo published as news story: still live

At the time of writing, this is still live – a published Associated Press story that looks rather more like an internal memo. ‘OK, can you do some more probing?’ is quite an unusual intro.

It can be seen on Google hosted news (published 19 hours ago) and Forbes.com. Twitter users have spotted but the AP hasn’t removed it yet – maybe it’s playing it cool. NB: Google’s SideWiki can be put to good use here, if you feel inclined to point out the error…


paidContent:UK: IHT.com will keep its own identity on NYTimes.com site

Forbes.com originally reported the site would shut down, but that is not the case, Vivian Schiller, SVP and GM of NYTimes.com told paidContent. “The idea is to have one big global brand under one roof,” she said, stressing that IHT content would be co-branded and feature IHT specific content.

Forbes.com opinion channel gets a makeover

Forbes.com/opinions has had a makeover, as of today. Under the control of new opinions channel editor, Tunku Varadarajan, no time has been wasted in having a bit of an autumn clean. Particularly significant is the introduction of an array of high-profile new columnists.

Here’s a run-down of the changes:

  • Four main topic categories: Business and Economics, Foreign Affairs and Defence, Culture and Society, and Politics.
  • 16 new columnists will be writing weekly columns for the channel, including author Reihan Salam, economists Brian Wesbury and Bob Stein, former Reagan speechwriter Peter Robinson and Quentin Letts (from the UK).
  • Book reviews every Monday and Thursday, on all subjects, as well as daily essays and commentaries.
  • Forbes.com Editor Paul Maidment’s will produce a weekly video “Notes on the News” about international politics and business.
  • Forbes magazine Publisher Rich Karlgaards’s daily blog “Digital Rules” will still run, in addition to a new video blog “Talk Back” about the business world.

Varadarajan was previously contributing editor at the Financial Times, where he wrote opinion pieces, arts and culture essays and book reviews. Before that, he was at the Wall Street Journal for seven years – most recently as Assistant Managing Editor.

He gives fuller run-down of all the changes here.

WSJ launches business women’s section

The Wall Street Journal has added a new section to its site for women in business.

Journal Women – aimed at ‘ambitious professional and executive women’ – will feature discussion boards, a blog, video content and online polls.

The new section comes after Forbes.com announced plans earlier this week of a social network for female business executives.