Blogging site Tumblr is growing at an incredible speed. There are now 32 million people in the US 4.5 million people in the UK visiting the site.
News organisations are engaging with the community by setting up their own Tumblr blogs. The Guardian set up a Tumblr account in January and started posting stories in February.
We have been taking a look at the Tumblr blogs of news organisations from around the world and have compiled a list of our favourite five.
1. Canada’s National Post
Why? For its use of photographs, front pages and graphics.
2. Washington Post’s Innovations
Why? For its linking of third party content, integration into its main site and the superb technology content (minus the deluge of royal wedding posts)
3. The Guardian
Why? For its design. It looks just like the Guardian. It includes a well-thought out layout, quantity and type of stories.
3. LA Times
Why? For it tone and fabulous collection of photos.
5. Newsweek
Why? For being very social and introducing us to their Tumblr person, linking multimedia content such as SoundCloud and for handy tabs within their layout theme
Follow our how to guide to creating a Tumblr blog for a news organisation.