Tag Archives: Shepard Fairey

BJP: Photographer drops copyright claim over iconic Obama image

The Associated Press and freelance photographer Mannie Garcia have settled a dispute over copyright of an iconic image of President Barack Obama, with both parties dropping their claims, reports the British Journal of Photography.

But the case involving artist Shepard Fairey, who claims he used the image to create his HOPE poster of the US leader, is yet to be settled or judged.

Full story on the British Journal of Photography at this link…

Image: Albany_Tim on Flickr

Photo Attorney: Who is right in the Fairey vs AP Obama photo case?

As reported by various sources (including the AP) the AP has made a claim against artist Shepard Fairey for use of its photograph: the AP says it owns the copyright, and wants credit and compensation. Fairey’s defence claims that the use is permitted through ‘fair use.’

“Who is right?” asks Carolyn E. Wright on the Photo Attorney blog. “Unfortunately, only a court can truly tell us. But that doesn’t stop us from trying to figure it out!”

Wright’s comprehensive post looks at issues surrounding fair use and photograph copyright.

Full post at this link…