Tag Archives: Greg Moore

Westword Blogs: US editor asks staff to call out what’s boring in paper

Extracts from a memo sent by Denver Post editor Greg Moore to staff:

A series of meetings with staff should be underway to get your take on how we can do more compelling journalism.

Please speak up in these sessions but try not to whine. These are demanding times for everyone and we all work very hard.

But if you think there is boring stuff in the paper, call it out. Do we need a new approach to our beats? Do we need fewer beats? New areas of coverage? Are you ready for a change?

The commenters on this post certainly aren’t afraid to “call out” what they think…

As this post on Westword Blogs explains the Post is reorganising its news operation and Moore is concerned that the Post’s current 200 journalists are spreading themselves and subject matters too thinly by trying to achieve the same breadth as the paper’s formerly 300-strong newsroom.

Full post at this link…