Tag Archives: global voices

BBC Editors Blog: BBC links up with Global Voices blog network

As part of the BBC’s special series on the internet, the SuperPower season, the corporation’s website is teaming up with non-profit, blog network Global Voices “to present a different range of perspectives and commentary from around the world”.

The site will select and link to relevant posts from the network and asking Global Voices editors for their input on how mainstream media handles news.

Writes Steve Herrmann:

We are no strangers to involving a range of voices in our newsgathering process – and we have long incorporated into our journalism the knowledge, eyewitness reporting and opinion of our audiences in the UK and internationally.

But we think Global Voices, which specialises in giving individuals the tools and support to comment and report on the issues that matter to them, could add an interesting extra dimension to some of our news coverage.

Full post at this link…

Global Voices Online: The unmasking of NightJack as told by the UK blogs

I will now be cross-posting, and/or contributing occasional posts to Global Voices, the US-based founded but global community of more than 200 bloggers ‘who work together to bring you translations and reports from blogs and citizen media everywhere, with emphasis on voices that are not ordinarily heard in international mainstream media.’ Sponsors of the project can be found at this link.

My first post for the site looks at the implications of the NightJack case (which I’ve previously rounded up here) with links to some of the best UK blog posts on the subject.

“A victory for freedom of expression (The Times’)… or a severe restriction for freedom of expression (anonymous bloggers)? Popular opinion is divided, though a blog search would indicate that blogger opinion veers towards the latter.”

Full post at this link…