Tag Archives: assisted death

Telegraph: BBC ‘flooded’ with complaints about Choosing to Die documentary

The Telegraph reports that as of yesterday afternoon a total of 898 people had “registered their disapproval” of the Choosing to Die documentary, broadcast on Monday by the BBC.

The documentary shows author Sir Terry Pratchett, who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s three years ago, travel to the Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland and witnessing the procedures for assisted death.

The corporation said 898 people had registered their disapproval of the documentary presented by the author Sir Terry Pratchett, with 162 fresh complaints since it aired on Monday night.

A spokesman from the BBC was also said to add that the broadcaster has also received 82 “appreciations” of the programme.

Update: Journalism.co.uk has received updated figures from the BBC. There have now been 226 appreciations received and 408 complaints, bringing the total up to 1,150 complaints.

According to a spokesman the 226 appreciations make it one of the top 10 most appreciated BBC programmes this year.