WSJ launches business women’s section

The Wall Street Journal has added a new section to its site for women in business.

Journal Women – aimed at ‘ambitious professional and executive women’ – will feature discussion boards, a blog, video content and online polls.

The new section comes after announced plans earlier this week of a social network for female business executives.

1 thought on “WSJ launches business women’s section

  1. Kimberly Rosenberg


    Thank you for making me aware of this great addition to the Wall Street Journal! It’s fantastic to see the growth of women entrepreneurs being recognized in such a prestigious publication!

    I’m an official Microsoft ambassador and right now we’re really trying to scale up our connections with influential bloggers like yourself. I’d love to share with you some of the stuff we’ve been doing in the last couple months to help women entrepreneurs; we’re really committed to providing all the necessary resources to help women start, grow and expand their business.

    We just wrapped up a women’s entrepreneurial tour across the US; the response and turn-out was great!

    I’d really love your take on these offerings we have right now; I would have contacted you via email but I didn’t know which was the best way to reach you.

    Thank you so much, I hope I didn’t overstep my bounds by directly contacting you. Definitely get back to me if I’ve piqued your interest– I’d love to share more info with you.

    Official Microsoft Ambassador

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