Tag Archives: Washington City

HuffPo doesn’t like being linked to… really?

“HuffPo Scolds Washingon City Paper for Linking,” says a Washington City Paper headline.

You what? The HuffPo doesn’t like links? Well, one in particular: a link to the HuffingtonPost’s site from a spoof site, made by the Washington City Paper for April Fool’s.

Here’s a summary from Jane Kim at the Columbia Journalism Review:

“This past Tuesday, City Paper columnist Amanda Hess blasted HuffPo for its nipple- (or is that traffic-) driven priorities, after which City Paper received a request from HuffPo asking it to take down the parody page from its archive. One of its reasons: ‘The official was perturbed,’ writes Wemple, ‘that the parody page that virtually no one has clicked on since April Fool’s contains a link to the Huffington Post site.’ No switching necessary (though perhaps a little bit of baiting) in that headline after all.”

Washington City Paper: WaPo mulling new politics site?

According to a report from the US, the Washington Post is mulling whether or not to launch a niche political news website that could run alongside its current offering.

A report by the Washington City Paper claims leading lights at the paper are discussing a ‘brand-new, semi-autonomous site that would package the Postâ