Tag Archives: online news model

Reflections of a Newsosaur: Are you ready to sell news on the web? A checklist

“Publishers groping with the question of when, whether and how to charge for interactive content often raise the issue of what they could sell, if indeed they ever decided to try,” muses Alan D. Mutter. So, he provides them with a quick checklist. Are they ready?

Full post at this link…

MondayNote.com: How to make readers pay for news

Frédéric Filloux analyses key components of a modern paid-for system for news sites.

“In recent weeks, several suggestions for moving from wish to implementation have popped up. The latest one comes from Google. The company proposes to give a boost to its not-so-successful Checkout service by harnessing it to online newspapers interests.”

Full MondayNote post at this link…