Tag Archives: Northern California

James Faulk: The limitations of ‘recycled’ news

And with this ‘editors’ pick’, we’re doing exactly what James Faulk doesn’t like – ‘recycling’ other people’s content. But, we thought his post was worth highlighting nonetheless.

Over on the Times-Standard’s site [based in Northern California], James Faulk has shared his thoughts on online news – it’s time to remember that ‘newspapers are as relevant today as they ever were,’ he writes.

A few choice paragraphs:

“(…)the traditional media by which people receive the news have changed. Now, the options for getting such information are endless – blogs, Twitter babble, news aggregators who comb the internet in search of pilfered scoops to lay before the public, you name it. They have all shaped themselves into easy and accessible vehicles for recycled information.

“Notice the key word there: recycled. All these various outlets grab their headlines from professional journalists who toil long hours at their desks, digging for the truth and burnishing its outline for public edification. They cultivate sources, follow up on leads, learn about their given beats, and put their reputations on the line with each and every story they publish.”

Full story at this link…

(via Fading To Black)