Tag Archives: newspaper journalism

Innovation in College Media: ‘Newspaper industry woes deconstructed 2.0’

We probably put this in our Editors’ Picks when it was first published last year, but unfortunately much of this mock missive addressed to “readers/investors/advertisers/anyone?” on newspapers’ attitude to digital still rings true:

The internet is the (best/worst) thing to ever happen to newspapers. It is (killing/rejuvenating) the newspaper industry in ways we (always/never) imagined. Top editors and newspaper execs (are/are not) getting involved in (innovating/suffocating) our practices on this (new/old) way of doing things.

(…) Many people ask: How can newspaper journalism be saved? Simple, really. Newspapers should (close their websites/open their archives) and (allow/disallow) the news to flow freely. After all, journalists (are/are not) central to the democratic ideal.

Full letter at this link…