Tag Archives: Natalie Portman

Everyone is writing articles about celebrity death hoaxes

Will the next hoo-hah be: ‘papers miss out obit because no-one believed he/she had really died’?

Countless articles about celebrity death hoaxes to choose from over the last day or so. Among them:

  • This round-up from MSN Entertainment ends with: “The old adage rings true: don’t believe everything you read! Unless you see it on MSN, of course..”
  • CNN: “Despite what you may have read, Jeff Goldblum, Natalie Portman, George Clooney, Britney Spears, Harrison Ford and Rick Astley are alive.”
  • Guardian.co.uk: “[F]or those wishing to check the latest online gossip, there are websites dedicated to debunking false reports. Snopes and the Museumofhoaxes have an archive of urban legends and how these rumours come about.”

New York Times T Magazine online offering

Just a quick follow up to the story we carried last week about the launch online of New York Times style rag – T magazine.

The online offering is very swish and flash-dominated – plenty of video, very little text – with content divided along peculiarly linear lines; the words, the images, the goods, the remix (whatever this is?), the videos.

Gawker and Media Bistro have already reviewed the site, focusing mainly on the dominance of Natalie Portman over the launch pages. It’s a bit of a statement really, sort of ‘this is the kind of intelligent celeb we’ll favour’

Well, here she is in all her intelligent celeb glory:
