Tag Archives: metal darts

Reuters cameraman killed in Gaza

Fadel Shana, Reuters cameraman, who was killed yesterday by an explosion in Gaza

Reuters cameraman Fadel Shana, 23, was killed yesterday in Gaza by an explosion, the media group has announced.

Shana, who is the first Reuters journalist to be killed in Gaza, was on his way to cover an incident when his vehicle stopped. On getting out of the vehicle an explosion killed Shana and two bystanders.

A soundman travelling with Shana escaped serious injury.

David Schlesinger, Reuters editor-in-chief, has called for an investigation into the incident.

“This tragic incident shows the risks journalists take every day to report the news. All governments and organisations have a responsibility to take the utmost care to protect professionals trying to do their jobs,” he said in a statement.

“Our thoughts are with his family. We request an immediate investigation into the incident by the Israeli defence forces.”

Shana had worked for Reuters in Gaza for over three years and was one of 15 journalists from the news organisation in the region.

UPDATE – Reuters says Shana was killed by an Israeli tank shell. A medical examination has suggested that metal darts from the shell, which explodes in the air, caused the cameraman’s death. A Reuters video shows the incident.