Tag Archives: James Lovelock

Centre for Journalism: Top 10 must read books for journalists

Some Friday fun here – John Saunders’ list of 10 great books for journalists. How many have you read and what’s it missing – tell us below.

  1. Unspeak by Steven Poole
  2. Travels with Herodotus by Ryszard Kapusckinski
  3. The Search for Al Qaeda by Bruce Riedel
  4. Real England by Paul Kingsworth
  5. We wish to inform you that tomorrow we will be killed with our families
  6. The Cult Amateur by Andrew Keen
  7. The Vanishing Face of Gaia by James Lovelock
  8. The Age of Consent by Geogre Monbiot
  9. The Black Swan by Nicholas Nassim Taleb
  10. War Reporting for Cowards by Chris Ayres

Full synopses can be seen on the CfJ site.