Tag Archives: hnews

Martin Moore: AOL and TownNews adopt hNews microformat for news

A new ‘microformat’ for metadata in news stories is fast nearing a stage of ‘widespread adoption’. The ‘hNews’ system will attach information about the author of the story, where it was published and where it was written, to every news story.

Media Standards Trust director Martin Moore updates on the latest hNews developments today: AOL and TownNews should be coming on board soon, to join the Associated Press which signed up in July.

“Thousands of news articles marked up with with hNews, a microformat for news content funded by the Knight Foundation, will soon start populating the internet. Last week, hNews became an official draft microformat. Having been proposed as a new data format and then discussed within the microformats community, it is now in draft 0.1 at Microformats.org. This means it has reached a stage where the microformat community believes it is stable enough for widespread adoption.”

Full post at this link…

More to follow from Journalism.co.uk next week.