Tag Archives: ex-wife

Nirpal Dhaliwal on how his ex-wife has ‘pioneered new limits for journalism’

Nirpal Dhaliwal is raving about the talents of his ex-wife, confessional journalist Liz Jones, in this article for the London Evening Standard.

“I now look back on Liz’s work and am awed by the phenomenon she created. She turned the genre of confessional journalism almost into an art form — and made a name for herself in the process.”


“Some dismiss her work because much of it focuses on herself, but the same is true of many journalists, diarists, even novelists. And how many other writers have tapped the public nerve so powerfully and consistently?”

He ends by saying she has ‘pioneered new limits for journalism and has the sort of hold on the public imagination – particularly of women – that most writers can only dream of.’

Full article at this link…

(Hat-tip @badjournalism)
