Tag Archives: ever-growing online edition

Jakarta Post redesign: slimmed-down print redesign to aid integratation with online

A look at the Jakarta Post redesign. On VisualEditors.com Charles Apple puts old and new images of the paper next to each other.

Over on the paper’s own site, an opinion piece says:

“If the old saying is true that everything is in a state of flux, then it is natural that we too must adapt to the constantly changing environment. Some changes are more consequential than others, and this is probably one of those moments for the Post.

“These changes are also designed to integrate better with our ever-growing online edition, thejakartapost.com, which we are developing into a news portal to reach a global audience. We are fully aware that the world is moving fast on all things digital, and The Jakarta Post intends to be there as the primary source of information on Indonesia for the global audience.”

The new format is slimmer, with more pages, more sections, and a new font among the changes, according to the paper. The hope is that the design and shift in content focus and newsroom work patterns will complement the online edition.