Tag Archives: Democratic Republic of Congo

Press freedom report catalogues ‘attacks on the right to be informed and to inform the public’

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has posted the findings of an annual report by its partner organisation Journalist in Danger (JED) on press freedom in the Democratic Republic of Congo, which was published on Friday – International Human Rights Day.

The report records the details of every known “attack on the right to be informed and to inform the public” throughout the year. It claims there were 87 cases this year, an increase on the 75 recorded in 2009.

Tune in at 5pm (GMT) for a live Reuters video Q&A with Congo photographer

Come back to this link at 5pm to watch a live Qik video Reuters Q&A with Finbarr O’Reilly, an experienced photographer who has worked in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

O’Reilly will be asked about his experiences and motivations for working in the DRC, and users can contribute questions.

His biography can be read here and his video introduction to this Q&A is here.