Tag Archives: connect the world

Sanjay Gupta and Haiti: should a journalist get involved in a story?

Dr Sanjay Gupta is CNN’s chief medical correspondent, but also a practising neurosurgeon. This means that during CNN’s coverage of the Haitian earthquake and its aftermath Gupta has been reporting from the field, but also filmed performing surgery and working in an emergency medical clinic.

Today’s Connect the World show on CNN will explore the issues this raises from whether journalists can/should be part of a story to whether Gupta can carry out his role as a doctor and a journalist at the same time without undermining either position. The show airs at 9pm (GMT).

Send questions to Maziar Bahari – CNN’s ‘connector of the day’

Maziar Bahari, the US Newsweek journalist detained by the Iranian government for 118 days earlier this year during the presidential election, is to appear on CNN’s Connect the World tonight [Wednesday].

Accused of being a spy, Bahari was forced to make a false confession that acknowledged western journalists conduct espionage, reports CNN.

Connect the World is an interactive programme that accepts questions from viewers. CNN is calling for users’ questions for Bahari, which can be submitted via various means:

  • http://cnn.com/connect
  • connecttheworld@cnn.com
  • @cnnctw
  • Send a video message
  • Full post at this link…