Journalisted Weekly: The Grand National, Syria and North Korea

Journalisted is an independent, not-for-profit website built to make it easier for you, the public, to find out more about journalists and what they write about. It is run by the Media Standards Trust, a registered charity set up to foster high standards in news on behalf of the public, and funded by donations from charitable foundations. Each week Journalisted produces a summary of the most covered news stories, most active journalists and those topics falling off the news agenda, using its database of UK journalists and news sources.


The Grand National, Syria and North Korea

For the week ending Sunday 15 April.

  • The Grand National dominated the news, after two injured horses had to be put down, favourite Synchronised and According to Pete
  • A ceasefire in Syria, North Korea’s attempts at launching a long-range rocket, and David Cameron visits Burma were covered lots
  • Tension in Sudan, Guido Fawkes’ publication of Motorman files, and hacking allegations spread to the US were covered little

Covered Lots

Covered Little

Political ups and downs (top ten by number of articles)

Celebrity vs Serious

Eurozone leaders (top ten by number of articles)

No other Eurozone leaders were mentioned in UK press coverage.

Who wrote a lot about…the government plans to reform tax relief

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