Wired.com: ‘Why WikiLeaks is good for America’

Wired magazine has had a somewhat fractious relationship with whistleblowers’ website WikiLeaks since the latter rose to prominence.

Speaking at the beginning of October at City University London, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange hit out at the magazine for allegations it made about infighting at the organisation.

Later in the month he made further criticisms of two particular blogs on Wired.com:

We condemned Wired magazine for that conduct and the magazine has been oppositional ever since. The two blogs concerned, “Threat Level” and “Danger Room”, while having produced some good journalism over the years, mostly now ship puff pieces about the latest “cool weapons system” and other “war tech toys” as befits their names – “Threat Level” and “Danger Room”.

But Wired.com editor-in-chief Evan Hansen, writing yesterday on the Threat Level blog, clearly thinks the organisation is a force for good in the world, or in the US at least:

WikiLeaks is not perfect, and we have highlighted many of its shortcomings on this website. Nevertheless, it’s time to make a clear statement about the value of the site and take sides:

WikiLeaks stands to improve our democracy, not weaken it.

See the full post – Why WikiLeaks is good for America – at this link…

2 thoughts on “Wired.com: ‘Why WikiLeaks is good for America’

  1. antonio rodrigues

    as a christian i am, i think in this moment of advent we have to cultivate a freedom. and the most important association between faith and freedom is to talk the true. i think wikilekas doesnt publicize nothing is true! then we have to cultivate it as a treasure of western.
    greetings from brazil.

  2. Galileo Galilei

    “In a free society we’re supposed to know the truth,” Paul said, quoted by Politico. “In a society where truth becomes treason, then we’re in big trouble. And now, people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it.”

    – Ron Paul

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