The main man behind media partnerships at Facebook, Justin Osofsky, has posted a blog detailing the social network’s recent analysis of how news sites currently use Facebook.
A Facebook team conducted the independent analysis of the “100 top media sites”, assessing their user engagement through social plugins.
We recently set forth to learn how news organizations can best use Facebook to (1) drive growth in audience and traffic, (2) increase engagement, and (3) gain valuable customer insights.
We also analysed the pages of several top media organizations and the stories they posted, including their content, types of status update, and time of day.
The findings have been shared today on a Facebook and Media page, with an overall aim to improve news organisations’ use of Facebook media in the future.
Examples include the use of Facebook Insights to better understand user interests, and placement of the ‘Activity Feed’ and ‘Recommendations’ social plugins on both the front and content pages to gain up to ten times more clicks per user than on the front page alone.