Imagine you’re a journalist – you can for just £19.99

It’s been out a while but UK:RESISTANCE blog has brought it to our attention – Imagine:Journalist, the Nintendo DS game where you can experience all the thrills and spills of being a journalist.

Reads the listing:

  • Make yourself a great career as a journalist
  • Start as a columnist for a local newspaper and end up as an international reporter, heading your own TV show
  • Get your own press pass
  • Have fun with the full range of journalists’ accessories: notepad, handheld recorder, mic, camera

UK:RESISTANCE has some suggestions for bonus features:

  • Lie to yourself about products being better than they are on a daily basis
  • Develop your plagiarism skills
  • Never quite be important enough to have the final say on anything

Anyone road tested it? CNET Australia’s 2009 review: “Might keep the kids busy for 20 minutes (…) 20 minutes later they’ll want something actually fun.”

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