Tag Archives: the ITV News

ITV citizen journalism platform – just a vox pop by another name?

We reported here a few weeks ago that ITV had set up and was about to launch a Cit Journo platform called Uploaded.

“For the first time, viewers’ contributions will not just be an add-on to coverage of the big stories – they will become an integral part of all three ITV News bulletins every day… A Citizen Exclusives section will give everyone a platform to contact the ITV News team directly if they have captured amazing exclusive footage.”

It launched yesterday, according to the pr blurb to:

“creating the UK’s first nationwide network of citizen correspondents who can shape TV news
coverage on a daily basis.”

ITV sees the site as a big unwashed debating arena, the best posts of which will find their way into its TV news offerings. Delegates at the Future of News conference, in London last month, were more skeptical.

“Isn’t this just a vox pop by another name?’ came the cry from the floor.

Au contraire, claimed Deborah Turness, editor of ITV News, this is active civic participation in news, feeding the news agenda.

But don’t editors then select the talking heads according to their editorial line? How is that any different from a vox pop if there isn’t any input to the editorial process from those contributing to debates?