Tag Archives: Queen Margaret University

Postgrad PR student seeks journalists’ responses to survey

Any journalists working on newdesks feel like sharing their thoughts on PR for a student survey? Iain Fleming, a postgraduate student at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, is seeking help for his research project, part of his diploma in Public Relations, run by the Chartered Institute of Public Relations. His request is as follows:

“As part of my course I am carrying out a research project, looking at the type and volume of material sent to news and picture desks by PR practitioners, and would be grateful if you could take a a few minutes to complete as many questions as you can, or feel are appropriate to your role in the industry, in the online questionnaire here.


All the results will be anonymised, so no one will be able to find out how you answered, however, in order to produce a report which is more than a series of statistics I would be grateful if you could add in as many additional comments as you feel appropriate.

“It would be particularly helpful if some of these comments could be attributed, and if you are willing to allow this please could you indicate this. I will check all comments with their author before publication.

 In order to make the survey as accurate as possible, I would be grateful if you could forward the link on to as many colleagues who you consider may be able to respond.
