Tag Archives: media factual division

PPA Magazines 2008: Channel 4’s Big Art Mob

Adam Gee, commisioning editor for Channel 4‘s new media factual division, has explained the broadcaster’s Big Art Mob project to delegates at the PPA’s annual conference.

According to Gee the project is the first catalogue of public artworks ever collated and the first use of moblogging on this scale by a broadcaster in the UK.

The project asks users to submit photos of public artworks. These, alongside art projects from the Big Art Mob, are mapped (see below).

Screenshot of Channel 4’s Big Art Map

The site also pulls together bloggers from the mob and galleries of the artworks and has its own mobile site.

The map and feed showing live updates from the site’s users allow Channel 4 to see where and what they’re community are talking about, says Gee.

The site is entirely self-moderated, says Gee, and in the past 12 months has had only two ‘dodgy’ postings.