Tag Archives: liveblogging

Mark Jones: Rolling news coverage – what works for Iran?

Reuters’ global community editor Mark Jones offers a useful round-up and guide of how to cover major breaking news stories, such as the recent events in Iran.

“The challenge here is to match what TV stations can do when they switch between news bulletins to rolling 24 hour coverage. Only the web ought to be able to do so much more given its scope for interactivity,” he writes.

Jones looks at how liveblogs and reporters logs are being used by news organisations, in addition to ‘aggregating validated citizen journalists’.

Full post at this link…

[Journalism.co.uk has its round-up of pro-am news site Demotix is covering the Iranian elections story and you can read the comments of BBC global news director Richard Sambrook here]

Organ Grinder: Guardian’s Eurovision liveblog – Scandinavia reacts

Organ Grinder reports on how the Guardian’s tongue-in-cheek liveblogging of Saturday’s Eurovision contest was reported by Scandinavian media.

The perils of liveblogging? Norwegian, Danish and Swedish titles took some of the blog’s teasing comments as the Guardian’s official line, with their humour lost in translation (but leading to some highly amusing headlines…)

Full post at this link…