Tag Archives: Freelance

The Awl: Richard Morgan on seven years of freelance writing

An honest and amusing assessment of working as a freelance journalist, from US-based writer Richard Morgan, who looks at the problems of pitching, protecting your ideas and dealing with editors.

He (half-) jokes: “Freelancing means your editor will reject your pitch and then, seven months later, run the story you pitched – with the same language as your pitch – and then have it submitted for a National Magazine Award.”

But on a more serious note:

Freelancing isn’t just about finding good stories. It is also – more so? – about finding good editors. I have solid relationships with four, which, over a seven-year span, works out to encountering one good editor for every 21 months. Maybe I sound as silly and vain and vacuous as Jessica Simpson talking about her very real struggle with acne and how Pro-Activ Solution helped her, but journalism is built upon the values of truth and transparency and intellectual service and candour – of sunshine being the best disinfectant.

Full post on The Awl at this link…

#followjourn: @lucytobin – city reporter/freelance

#followjourn: @lucytobin

Who? Lucy Tobin, city reporter for the Evening Standard and freelance education writer.

Where? Lucy’s Evening Standard articles can be found at this link, and she has her own website here. She also contributes to the Guardian as an education writer.

Contact? @lucytobin

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

What makes you an arts journalist? The Stage on a changing profession

Mark Shenton shares his thoughts on the world of arts journalism over on the Stage’s blog today, putting a spotlight on a profession being transformed by amateur critics online and an industry yet to fully accept the opinions of an unpaid commentator.

Of course, no special qualifications are required to be a theatre critic: just the fact that someone employs you to do so makes you one. But in the new online environment, no such appointments are necessary anymore; you can start a blog and call yourself one in the click of a mouse. It’s an increasing challenge amongst theatrical PRs to work out who they should extend the courtesy of free theatre tickets to.

The problem, according to Shenton, is that there are still organisations who put up barriers to those not yet being paid for their work.

The Edinburgh Fringe’s press office runs a media accreditation process to validate the numerous people claiming to be critics, so that there’s at least some kind of filter; but they’ve caused a little bit of a stir this year by denying accreditation to one particular website, The Public Reviews, which as its name suggests, uses members of the public to review shows as opposed to professionals. And being paid for your writing isn’t, of course, a pre-requisite either anymore to call yourself a critic. One of the best reviewing sites out there is theartsdesk.com, set up by a team of established print journalists, and it isn’t paying its contributors at the moment yet, either. (Neither does one of the biggest and most influential news and opinion sites in the US, The Huffington Post). But they’ve all noticed that the market is changing, and are taking a proactive step to be out there with a well-produced site that may, in turn, start making money in due course.

See his full post here…

#followjourn: @kevglobal – Kevin Anderson/freelance

#followjourn: Kevin Anderson

Who? Freelance journalist and digital strategist

Where? Kevin worked at the BBC for eight years, before being made the Guardian’s first blogs editor in September 2006. He went on to become digital research editor at the Guardian from 2009-2010. He writes on the blog Strange Attractor, and was a speaker at Journalism.co.uk’s June conference, news:rewired – the nouveau niche

Contact? @kevglobal

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

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#followjourn: @ianwylie – freelance

#followjourn: Ian Wylie

Who? Freelance journalist

Where? Until October 2009 Ian was the London editor and TV editor of the Manchester Evening News/MEN Media. His features written for the MEN in 2009 can be found at this link. Ian is also member of the Parliamentary Press Lobby and helped lead MEN Media coverage at Westminster of the MPs’ expenses scandal. He now works as a freelance journalist and keeps a blog: Life of Wylie.

Contact? @ianwylie

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.
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#followjourn: @chrised – freelance

#followjourn: @chrised

Who? Chris Edwards, freelance journalist.

Where? Chris is freelance editor of the electronics section of Engineering & Technology, published by the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), and contributes to Bookdealer, Flipside and The Guardian. He also covers media on his site Hacking Cough, biotechnology on the BioMachine, and chip technology on the Shrinking Violence Blog,

Contact? @chrised

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

#followjourn: @alexblyth – freelance

#followjourn: Alex Blyth

Who? Freelance journalist, writer and training consultant.

Where? Alex has written for the Independent, Director, People Management, Media Week and others, and has published two books entitled How to grow your business for entrepreneurs and 365 Ways to Cut Costs. He has his own site at alexblyth.co.uk.

Contact? @alexblyth

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

#followjourn: @michaelcross – freelance journalist

#followjourn: Michael Cross

Who? Freelance journalist, specialising in public policy, technology, healthcare and the law.

Where? Cross’ work appears in the Guardian and in various specialist publications, including the British Medical Journal and the Law Society Gazette. He is co-creator of the 18th century cartoon scrivener Tobias Grubbe. He also co-founded (with Charles Arthur) the Technology Guardian’s Free our Data campaign. the best with real payouts online casinos the best with real payouts

Contact? @michaelcross

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

#followjourn: @hackneye/freelance travel writer

#followjourn: Donald Strachan

Who? Freelance travel writer

Where? Strachan has written for newspapers, including the Sydney Morning Herald and the Sunday Telegraph (see his work at the links). He also contributes to travel sites such as Frommers.com, Perceptive Travel, and travelintelligence. He has his own website here.

Contact? @hackneye

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

#followjourn: @dannybradbury/freelance IT journalist

#followjourn: Danny Bradbury

Who? Freelance IT journalist

Where? Bradbury is based in Canada, and writes a blog, Word Herder. He is currently editor of two security newsletters: Computer Fraud and Security and Network Security. He is also US bureau chief and US editor of InfoSecurity magazine. He has a LinkedIn page here.

Contact? @dannybradbury

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.