has an interview with Ann Derry, editorial director for video and television for the New York Times and Shawn Bender, editorial director for video for the Wall Street Journal online. They explain “why readers click the play button” to watch videos on the two news sites.
Bender feels readers click play in order to feel a connection.
I think that there is a feeling of excitement about the news that you don’t get in the static environment of print that you can get in video.
Derry says that both news sites have had to educate their readers in order to consume news in video form online.
We’ve had to train our users, both at the Journal and at the Times, that if you click on something you get a good experience.
Bender goes on to say that concise videos where the reader/viewer can learn two or three points are the most successful. Derry adds that news video should offer the reader/viewer a quicker, more “efficient” way of accessing the story than if they had chosen to read it as text.
The video is at this link and below.