A telling screen grab is doing the rounds – showing the discrepancy between CNN’s news coverage and Al Jazeera English’s.
It shows the two channel’s front online pages, captured on the day Wikileaks released its video showing previously unreleased footage of a US army attack in Iraq.
It looks like the two channels have quite different priorities. CNN goes for Tiger Woods and the iPad, while Al Jazeera puts the Wikileaks story top of its page.
The only problem is that neither screenshot is taken at 1720GMT as is claimed. There is at least a 12 minute discrepancy, possibly more, if you look at the respective time stamps.
TubThumper: The only timestamps I see show the “last updated” times for the two pages. Not necessarily the times the pages were downloaded from the web servers – which is what matters when comparing coverage. Did I miss something in your comment?