The more glam side of investigative: last night’s Paul Foot Awards had the good fortune to attend the Paul Foot Awards last night, the Private Eye/Guardian event that commemorates the work of campaigning journalist Paul Foot, who died in 2004.

It was a short but sweet ceremony: Private Eye editor Ian Hislop was economical with his words as he remembered his friend and colleague ‘Footy’ and avoided all of that usual awards suspense faff.

Almost as soon as we were seated we discovered the prize was to be shared by….

And it was congratulations all round to Richard Brooks (Private Eye) and Camilla Cavendish (The Times) as they stashed the cheques in their pockets:

1 thought on “The more glam side of investigative: last night’s Paul Foot Awards

  1. Judith Townend Post author

    Ok, I originally put ‘glammer’ in the headline, but we’ve decided this word was very much of my own invention… so have modified to ‘more glam’

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