Innovations in Journalism – an intro

The eagle-eyed amongst you may have noticed that today we started a new feature on the Editors Blog.

We have tentatively called the feature Innovations in Journalism, you can look at today’s first piece about ReportingOn here.

Our intention is to take a twice-weekly look at the kind of technological development – both on and offline – that may be of use to journalists as they go about the daily grind.

We’re asking the developers to answer a few simple questions about why their creations could be of use to us.

Our intention is to point you in the direction of a few sites, gadgets and gizmos that you may not have come across before and could prove handy. (And if there are any you think we should look at feel free to get in touch.)

We’ll leave it for you to decide if you like what they are offering and whether or not you can find any use for it.

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