Jeremy Dear, general secretary of the NUJ, has posted a welcome to bloggers to join the union on the Guardian’s Comment is Free site.
Last month the union admitted it’s first full-time blogger, freelance Engadget writer Conrad Quilty-Harper.
In the post, Dear said the change to the union’s membership would better reflect the shape of the industry and that those questioning such decisions fail to recognise ‘the changing media landscape’.
“Bloggers may be particularly concerned that they get paid a fair deal for their work or that their copyright is protected. Many are also interested in protecting journalistic standards,” wrote Dear.
“They believe that employers should devote the same level of care and attention to a piece of work online as you would in any other part of the industry. That’s not always easy, given the scant investment in journalistic resources that too many companies are willing to make in their online operations.”
Dear added that the role of the union would remain ‘as vital as ever’ in the face of new technology and new media platforms for news.
Hmmm, seems like they have changed their tune a little. I think the jury is still out on the NUJ view of online journalism and blogging.
I know someone who was a member of the NUJ for three years and when he was sacked from his job, he naturally hoped the NUJ would support his case for unfair dismissal. It did not and my friend was forced to pay his own costs. When he won the case, he approached the NUJ to reimburse him — legal costs are not recoverable even in the event of victort. Again, the NUJ “declined”.
My advice is: bloggers beware! The NUJ seems to be run for the benefit of its officers, not of its members.