Tag Archives: steve jackson

#FollowJourn: @ourman/journalist and blogger

#FollowJourn: Steve Jackson

Who? Blogger, journalist and PR.

What? Frequent twitterer, blogger and journalist based in Hanoi.

Where? Right now, Hanoi. In the past: Cameroon, Newcastle and Granada.

Contact? Via Twitter: @ourman

Just as we like to supply you with fresh and innovative tips every day, we’re recommending journalists to follow online too. They might be from any sector of the industry: please send suggestions (you can nominate yourself) to judith or laura at journalism.co.uk; or to @journalismnews.

Our man on planet earth: ‘A paper that might have a future’

Great post from Steve Jackson on newspapers looking at how (and if) they are serving their audiences and proposes a new content and staffing model for a newspaper.

Look beyond London and beyond long-held prejudices; make staff social media savvy and utilise a network of bloggers on the ground, he writes.

Full post at this link…