Journalisted weekly: Perpetual Leaks, tuition fees, and the X Factor

Journalisted is an independent, not-for-profit website built to make it easier for you, the public, to find out more about journalists and what they write about. It is run by the Media Standards Trust, a registered charity set up to foster high standards in news on behalf of the public, and funded by donations from charitable foundations.

Each week Journalisted produces a summary of the most covered news stories, most active journalists and those topics falling off the news agenda, using its database of UK journalists and news sources. From now on we’ll be cross-posting them on

for the week ending Sunday 12 December

  • Wikileaks and Julian Assange’s arrest flooded the news
  • The tuition fees vote and subsequent protests were covered widely
  • Little coverage on alleged sweatshop exploitation by British stores or Sarah Palin visiting Haiti

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Covered lots

  • Ongoing WikiLeaks, with founder Julian Assange arrested in London and refused bail, and hacking of sites that withdrew services from the whistleblowing website, 631 articles
  • The vote on tuition fees, with protests giving way to violence and injuries in and around Parliament Square, 615 articles
  • X Factor, with the final broadcast on Sunday, 352 articles

Covered little

Political ups and downs (top ten by number of articles)

Celebrity vs serious

  • Simon Cowell, X Factor judge, 138 articles vs. the Nobel Peace Prize, boycotted by China and 18 other countries this year, 129 articles
  • Matt Cardle, winner of this year’s X Factor, 103 articles vs. British citizen Shrien Dewani, arrested under suspicion of conspiring to murder his wife Anni in South Africa, 102 articles
  • Prince Charles and Camilla, whose car was caught in tuition fees protests in London, 54 articles vs. 20-year-old student Alfie Meadows, hospitalised with bleeding on the brain allegedly caused by a police baton, 34 articles

Who wrote a lot about…’Nobel Prize and China’

Malcolm Moore – 8 articles (Telegraph), Jane Macartney – 8 articles (The Times), Tania Branigan – 8 articles (The Guardian), Geoff Dyer – 7 articles (Financial Times), Peter Foster – 7 articles (Telegraph), Andrew Ward – 5 articles (Financial Times)

Long form journalism

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