David Yelland: Nick Clegg is free of Murdoch’s ‘tentacles’

David Yelland, the former Sun editor now enjoying lifting the lid on the realities of tabloid newspapers since he saw the democratic light, comments on Nick Clegg’s rise – and how it could leave Cameronite press ‘floundering’. The article appeared in the Guardian today. An extract:

The fact is these papers, and others, decided months ago that Cameron was going to win. They are now invested in his victory in the most undemocratic fashion. They have gone after the prime minister in a deeply personal way and until last week they were certain he was in their sights.

I hold no brief for Nick Clegg. But now, thanks to him – an ingenue with no media links whatsoever – things look very different, because now the powerless have a voice as well as the powerful.

All of us who care about democracy must celebrate this over the coming weeks – even if Cameron wins in the end, at least some fault lines will have been exposed.

Full story at this link…

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