12 hours worth of radio interview tips from @NewsLeader

On May 27, from 8am to 8pm, @NewsLeader aka Justin Kings, tweeted tips from BBC and commercial broadcasters as ‘a day of advice aimed at producing better interviews’. Any tip without a credit before it was Kings’ own advice. His media consultancy can be found at Newsleadermediaconsultancy.com. Previous radio tips appeared here (for radio) and here (for news editors).

Update: We followed them via this post, but we’ve now collected all the tweets via TweetPaste and reproduced them here for your enjoyment. Apologies for the occasional ugly bits of code: TweetPaste doesn’t seem to like &s and speech marks.

3 thoughts on “12 hours worth of radio interview tips from @NewsLeader

  1. Pingback: #Tip of the day from Journalism.co.uk – interviewing for broadcast | Journalism.co.uk Editors' Blog


    thanks 4 the tips. am about to do my first international interview live on radio with spanish speaking pastors via a tranlator.any tips on how to make it big?

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