New year resolutions for journalists

@journalismnews put a shout out on Twitter this morning. What are our followers journalistic resolutions for 2009? Here are a few of the Tweets back. Add your own below… recommends this handy site,, to remind you of your good intentions – it nags you at ‘semi-unpredictable intervals’ by email.

Steven Jambot: I'm a student in journalism. My resolution is to share my knowledge about social medias with everybody.

Louise Bolotin: new resolutions include breaking new markets, resellling more stuff, pitching more frequently

Paul Fernley: N.Y. Resolution : Select stories for the audience instead of following what others are doing

Kevin Gilmartin: journalistic resolutions: set up my website, complete enough work experience to get on to the Masters course at Napier.

Babssaul:  Get to know my local journalists, be friendly and helpful to them

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