Tag Archives: craig kanalley

TwitterJournalism: Reasons to use #hashtags in your tweets

Why should journalists use hashtags in tweets? Craig Kanalley answers.

“Hashtags increase the likelihood of people seeing your tweets and therefore of your tweets getting retweeted. When they do get retweeted, they also keep your tweet circulating in the Twitter index and make it more likely for even more people to see it.”

Full post at this link…

TwitterJournalism.com: ‘How to verify a tweet’

“Twitter is the great equalizer,” writes @BreakingTweets founder Craig Kanalley.

“It doesn’t matter if you have 100 followers or 10,000, you can break news. That’s because all tweets are recorded and indexed at search.twitter.com. If someone types the right keyword(s), they can find your tweet.”

How do you know if a tweet is legitimate?

Kanalley gives eight tips at this link…

(via @deejackson)