Nieman Journalism Lab: ‘The Newsonomics of copyediting value’

Nieman Journalism Lab looks at the changing role and value of the copy editor and sub-editor as so-called “content factories” like Demand Media and Associated Content expand to meet demands for “newsy” rather than “news” content online:

(…) that newsy, but more evergreen content on everything from going green to health to potty training to TV buying is building a great annuity for the company; it’s long tail monetisable for a long time.

(…) This wide disparity in editing editorial content isn’t wildly surprising; the disparity has grown markedly over the last decade, and certainly the blogosphere making each one of us our own editors has taught us new, uneasy conventions. We’ve gained a lot in the free and easy flow on web-enabled writing and publishing. We’ve clearly lost something too, as finding (and paying for) an intelligent second set of eyes has become a luxury.

That’s left me wondering exactly what value is in good editing. Are there any Newsonomics of editing, value to be gained and harvested?

Full story at this link…

1 thought on “Nieman Journalism Lab: ‘The Newsonomics of copyediting value’

  1. Paul Keers

    One of the great ironies is that contract publishing in the UK, having been disparaged by mainstream journalism for many years, now has greater fact-checking and sub-editing than many paid-for publications. That is because the clients, large corporations who sponsor the publications, are far more concerned about publishing an error.

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