Three ways to get a round-up of news shared by your contacts without checking Twitter

Here are three different ways to get a daily news round-up of stories as shared by your contacts within your social networks. All three are good options to get tailored, relevant news on days when you do not have time to closely follow your Twitter stream.

1. LinkedIn Today

LinkedIn Today is powered by Twitter and LinkedIn to provide a tailored news site containing news from a choice of industries, including publishing and online media, plus news as shared and tweeted by people in your networks. You can also save articles for later and have LinkedIn Today sent to your email inbox to give you a daily digest.

It launched in March and has been credited with making LinkedIn the second most important source of traffic referrals for TechCrunch.

2. Summify

Summify also provides you with top stories as decided by contacts within your networks. It will collate the five top stories as decided by your Twitter, Facebook and Google Reader feeds.

You can alter how many top stories are sent, whether your receive them by email or as a direct message on Twitter and what time of the day you want your summary created.


XYDO curates news based on your Facebook and Twitter feeds. You can also vote an article up or down, which will influence the articles promoted to your contacts and you can receive the article list by custom RSS, email, tweeted links or Facebook.

There are more details on XYDO and how it can be used by journalists at this link.


1 thought on “Three ways to get a round-up of news shared by your contacts without checking Twitter

  1. Pingback: Staffroom Secrets | Blog | #jpod: How journalists can best use LinkedIn

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