Ariana Huffington: ‘Journalism will not only survive but thrive’

“…but the discussion needs to move on from ‘how are we going to save newspapers’ to ‘how do we save and strengthen journalism, however it is delivered’,” Huffington Post founder Ariana Huffington said yesterday in her testimony on the future of journalism to a US senate sub-committee.

“We’re in the middle of a golden age for news consumption (…) the future of journalism is not dependent on the future of newspapers.”

Lots of very interesting comments from Huffington – obituaries for many newspapers are unnecessary; press credentials for events need to be reviewed to include more digital journalists.

Full post and videos at this link…

3 thoughts on “Ariana Huffington: ‘Journalism will not only survive but thrive’

  1. Yongclee

    Love it when attention is focused on the real issue rather than the fatalism, and love the positive stance on the issue: journalism won’t die! The real question is, how can we sustain QUALITY journalism in an emerging distribution model?

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  3. Ira in L.A.

    There is more to digital journalism than gesturing with your finger. Yongclee has the challenge exactly right: quality in the face of what could be anarchic distribution. There must be accountability; and consequences for crap. Reading material devoid of truth is pointless nihilism. Forgive the redundant tautology.

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