ITN maps news items with Google mash-up

British news company ITN has started to develop Google Maps to its advantage: a new mashed-up map of its news stories uses Google Gears Geolocation API to determine the user’s location and provide them with geographically relevant news.

The site provides a map with pinpoint flags highlighting the location that a particular news item is related to. All the user has to do is click on the individual flag and read on for the full story.

The reader can change the destination to view worldwide stories, while also being able to access archive stories stretching back to the previous month.

Website has also used Google Maps, on this instance, working in conjunction with BBC iPlayer, tagging where a certain programme was located, allowing UK residents to view the selected show by clicking on a flag.

4 thoughts on “ITN maps news items with Google mash-up

  1. H. Conore

    ITN should mashup their archive and mash ads and music into it……..

    I believe thats a new business model for online video and advertising

  2. Pingback: ITN puts news on the map « James Thornett

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