My first Twitter

I should have published it on the blog last night, but the more eagle-eyed of you may have noticed the appearance of a Twitter badge on our blog last night.

This was my first attempt at covering a conference/event via Twitter – in this case the open house political blogging discussion at Telegraph HQ. I’ll post something about the questions raised at the event later (more on blogging than the political side), but here are my observations on Twittering:

  1. How many tweets is too many and how many is enough when reporting on these kind of events?
  2. I am very good at texting accurately while maintaining eye contact.
  3. Twitter does not like quote marks.
  4. Texting on a mobile during a debate or conference makes you look rude.
  5. It is strangely liberating sending updates from a phone without being able to check how they appear online.

On the whole I liked the immediacy of being able to send quotes, questions and possible news leads to the blog in almost real time. As I mentioned, this was a trial run, so I’d be interested in hearing from anyone who has attempted something similar or has some tips for me.

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